Monday, April 9, 2012

Review Solving for Theta

To solve for theta (@) the steps are different than a regular algebra equation.
1.Isolate the trig function
2.Take the inverse of the trig function.
Sin^-1 , Cos^-1 , arc sin , arc cos
3.Use trig chart or calculator to find answer #1 (remember only use the real value)
4.Use the 4 quadrants to find the right angle (+ number or - number) with trig function.
*There are atleast 2 answers for each inverse. There could be more than 2 but never less.
Instructions to move in quadrants:
Q1...Q2 = make - number aned add 180
Q1...Q3 = Add 180
Q1...Q4 =make - number and add 360
Q1 = inverse

EX1 . Sin^-1 (1)
From tig chart = 90
The two positive quadrants for sin is Q1 and Q2
So Q1= 90
and Q2 = -90 + 180 = 90
Your two answers are (90, 90)

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